In order to facilitate the relationship between the owner of the website (Inurban SAU) and users, this Legal Notice guarantees privacy in the provision of electronic services in accordance with legal requirements and provides information on the Personal Data Protection Policy, so that users may freely and voluntarily determine whether they wish to provide their personal data through the means made available to them on this website.
En cumplimiento del deber de información recogido en el artículo 10 de la Ley 34/2002 de servicios de la sociedad de la información y de comercio electrónico (LSSICE), se facilitan los datos de titularidad del presente «sitio Web». Inurban SAU en adelante «Inurban» con domicilio en Carretera de Villena, Km. 1, 30510-Yecla (Murcia). Sus datos registrales están inscritos en Registro Mercantil de Murcia, Tomo 341, folio 96, hoja- MU 6.585, inscripción 5ª.
El presente Aviso Legal regula el uso del «sitio Web» (en adelante, el «sitio Web»), sea con su denominación actual u otra que se le pueda atribuir en el futuro.
Any person, whether natural or legal, who accesses, browses or makes use of this "website" shall be considered a "user" when they are acting for purposes unrelated to their commercial activity, business, trade or profession. From the mere access it is clear that the user has read this Legal Notice and accepts the content of the Web, from the first moment of navigation.
Applicable law requires that some of the information or communications we send to you be in writing. By using this website, you agree that most of these communications with us will be electronic.
As a user, you may revoke or change your consent at any time. This obliges us to stop using your data provided by your introduction in any form to meet, in accordance and absolute acceptance of your rights, your will directly manifested.
© 2024 Inurban. Todos los derechos reservados.